So we (Lauren (best friend for life), Tara (sister) and I), started the Catalyst Cleanse yesterday. Actually, Tara is doing her own juicing, but she is following along with Lauren and I with the 6 juices every two hours. It was a hard day 1. I had a headache around 2:30pm, and Lauren and I had to remind ourselves that if we had eaten all the watermelon in the 4th juice, we'd be so full we'd pop. Alas, Day 1 is done, and now we're on to Day 2.
Here are my thoughts on the different juices:
Juice 1: Cucumber, Celery, Apple, Parsley, Spinach, Lemon, Lime, Ginger
Way too much Cucumber Taste! It's funny though, Lauren thought it was way too much Celery Taste. Isn't it crazy how peoples taste-buds act so differently! Otherwise it was a nice green clean way to start the day. A little bitter for me though.
Juice 2: Lemon, Agave, Cayenne
Yuck! That was my first reaction. Pure yuck! It was too sweet. I actually had to water it down, it was too sweet. I thought this was going to be lemonade-y, but it wasn't it was more like agave syrup-y! Once I watered it down, about 3 to 1, water to juice, ratio, I liked it a lot. It was refreshing and a nice little "snack"
THANK GOD! I needed some substance. Thank goodness for the carrots and apples in this mid-day Juice #3 that came right at lunch time. I was really needing a juice with some substance.
After not being able to open the first bottle of Juice #4, and having to get tomorrow's bottle out of the fridge (can't wait til I have to attempt opening it again), finally sipping this bad boy was worth the struggle. Yum! As Lauren said, this one was like a Watermelon Italian Ice. Just enough sweet to get me passed the afternoon sweet/snack crave, but still refreshing! Good Job Catalyst Cleanse!
Juice 5: Cucumber, Celery, Apple, Parsley, Spinach, Lemon, Lime, Ginger
Same thoughts as Juice 1, because they are the same green concoction.
Juice 6:
YUM!!! It's like dessert. Thank goodness. I needed something rewarding after today. My boyfriend Danny brought Pizza Hut Pizza in the car on the way home and I needed all the willpower I could get not to have a bite. I resisted! This was a nice rewarding treat for being so good. Kinda like ice cream in a bottle, but healthy!
The whole day in general wasn't too bad. I thought it'd be a lot more difficult. I did have a headache from hunger after 830pm, but slept it off and was feeling great morning of Day 2! Onto more juicing! Horray!